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genetic fingerprint 基因指紋〔可在血液、皮膚、精液、頭發等中檢測到的遺傳特征...

genetic fingerprinting

This work has revealed the genetic fingerprint of the sars - coronavirus associated with the major outbreak at the prince of wales hospital . through this investigation , the team has obtained scientific evidence which demonstrates that the virus is mutating at a rapid rate 從比較不同樣本之基因排序中顯示,病毒在人傳人的過程中,上一次的基因密碼會帶到下一次的基因,而下一次的基因亦會作出變異。

This team has analysed the genetic fingerprint of the sars - coronavirus from eleven patients . this number is one of the largest performed by a single research centre 中大研究隊伍在十一名病者中抽取含有sars冠狀病毒的樣本進行基因分析,這可說是全世界在單一研究中心進行之最大規模的基因研究。

Even minute amounts of dna can now be amplified , using the polymerase chain reaction , to provide sufficient material for genetic fingerprinting 即使僅獲得很少量的dna也可使用聚合酶鏈式反應來擴增以提供足夠的材料進行遺傳指紋分析。

Genetic fingerprinting a technique for identifying individuals by means of their dna 遺傳指紋分析:是一項通過dna來進行個體鑒定的技術。